
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

20 Sentence Story

In class, we have been learning about sentence structure. To have a better sentence structure you 
should use a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences.
We had to write a 20 sentence story that consisted of simple and compound sentences. The simple sentences are highlighted in green and the compound in yellow. Here is mine.

Once upon a time, there was an annoying little 2-year-old. Her name was Bob. Bob liked to play with barbies but no one like playing with her because she was annoying. That was how Bob’s life went until she was 5 and had to go to school. She thought it was boring. Until she met a nice girl called Jeff. Jeff was annoying just like Bob so they got on perfectly. Now Bob liked going to school. Mostly because she had someone to play with now. Bob had a great time at school for years until she was 8. Bob fell out of a tree. She had to go to the hospital because she had fallen from a 20-foot high tree. They thought she was going to die. Jeff was there in the hospital with Bob. Jeff would stay there for ages. She waited 4 months until Bob woke up from her coma. Jeff was so happy. She could play with her best friend now. Bob slowly got better. After a while, Bob and Jeff could be annoying again.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Netiquette Poster

We have been looking at digital etiquette (Netiquette). For my poster, I decided to do the dos and donts of commenting online.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

The Mist

We had to use Pobble365 to choose a writing prompt for any piece of writing we wanted to do. I chose Flash-Fiction. Here is my writing

The Mist

She waded out into the shallows. Waves of water bashed up against her bare legs, sending a chill up her already trembling body. She glanced back at what she had left behind on the shore. No regrets.

As she descended into the dark she could sense the misfortune already coming. Her weak body agitated with fear. 'No going back now' she whispered in her blank mind.

In this moment of time, she had everything on her mind. Especially him. She thought about the friendships
that had been broken even thoughts that any moment now she would breathe her last breath.

Now she was all alone in the midst of her old home. The ship where she had last seen her parents. A
ghastly mist choked the thin air. Now only footsteps away from death.
Flashbacks of the past came to her like the gushing movement of a waterfall. She remembered the time
she promised her Dad, she would never come back to this place. If she wanted answers promises had to be broken. She entered... 

It was a blur. 'What?' she said to herself. 'Ahhh!'...

She couldn't move. Desperate for answers lying on the cold, hard ground. She whispers softly ' My name is
Savannah Rose Parker someone please come find me'.

By Maia

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


 For the past couple of weeks, we have been working on our animations. We could do it about anything we wanted (even if it was really weird like mine). First, we had to plan on a piece of paper that looked kind of like a comic strip. Then we had to create what we had planned onto a Google slide. It was fun mine is about the legend of how chicken nuggets are made.