
Monday, November 26, 2018

Fire safety

In week 6 and 7 we had to make a poster about safety. We had a choice of what topic we wanted to do me and my friend Paige decided to do fire safety.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Book Thief

This week I created a DLO (Digital Learning Object) about my favourite book - The Book Thief.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

5 things I like

This week we had to make a slide or google drawing about something we like, what we're interested in or something we like to do. I did a slide on 5 things I like to do. I hope you like it.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Garden meme

In class, we have been creating our own garden memes. It was really hard because we weren't allowed to copy memes off the internet. Here's my garden meme.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Garden quote

In class, we have been working on making a quote about a garden. It was hard to think of idea's for the beginning but then I thought of how beautiful a garden is. The rest of it was quite easy.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Men and women should be paid equally

It's that time of the year again when I need to write a speech. Even though speeches aren't my favourite topic Mrs T has helped me to prepare it.  I chose the topic men should be paid more than woman and in my speech you can see that I dissagre with this statement. I found some interesting facts that I didnt know that are quite suprisingly well surprising. Anyway here is my speech.

Men and women should be paid equally

The gender pay gap. What is it? The gender pay gap is a high-level indicator of the difference between women and men’s earnings. Some people think that this is completely fair and reasonable while others like me think the exact opposite. I believe men and women should be paid equally.

First of all, if you do the same amount of work you should be paid the same amount of money no matter what gender you are right? Well nope, the world seems to disagree with you if you thought that was true. It just isn’t fair. Some people think “oh yeah we’ll give him more than her cause he’s a man so that means he did more work”. While it’s true that men have a bigger build than women which makes them stronger, it does not necessarily mean that they are smarter. A woman's brain thinks more in-depth to solve a problem whereas men sometimes don't think properly before they do something sometimes they just go with the first idea that comes to mind. Even studies have proven this point. Philosopher and IQ researcher James Flynn found that in the last 100 years men and women's IQ scores have risen but women have risen faster. So men should not be paid more if they do the same amount of work as women or maybe even less.

Women also got them skills. For example, women can multitask a job that men find difficult or just can’t do. Women also have better social skills which mean they are more interactive with all sorts of different people.   Also, women are more precise so when it comes to art, sculpting, presentation or even something simple like drawing a woman's work is known to be more neat or tidy. Men do have more athletic ability outside but what about if your inside specifically the kitchen. Women are known to be good cook’s or they are at least able to put something on the table for a meal. Anyway, the point that I’m trying to get is that some men only know how to make toast or order takeaways. That quite lazy isn’t it. And yes I do know about Gordon Ramsey and other skilled and talented chefs but hey are only a few out of billions and billions and billions. So we can clearly see that women are more skilled than men are in a multitasking, being neat and tidy and they are not necessarily more skilled at cooking but they are known to be well better home cooks.

It’s also a global problem that men are paid more than women. Over 145 countries have documented a gender pay gap according to the World Economic Forum. Its 2015 study mentions an important issue, what amounts to pay difference later in life can, in some cases, start early in life with differences in access to education, political power, and job opportunity.

So if men don't do more work, don't think properly, don’t have skills like women do and when they are paid more they are affecting the world. Why are they getting paid more than women?! Come on the world we need to think. Especially you men just think how would you feel if you were doing the exact same amount of work as somebody else but just because they were a different gender they got paid more. We need to encourage others around us to help make women to be paid the same as men. Come on New Zealand let's be the second out of 195 countries to stop this issue. Yes, that's right I did say second Iceland has already beat us to it so we better hurry up before another country jumps in before us. Clearly, Men should not be paid more than women.

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Nowhere to go

Nowhere to go 

Their speed was such that they appeared like a blur to the little girl watching them. She sat on a stone wall, her knees pulled up to her chest, bracing herself slightly against the strong breeze.

The herd of wild horses moved as one: a frothing, raging river cascading across the countryside. They reminded her of a waterfall she had visited with her parents last summer. The foam that formed on top of the surging water as it bubbled away in the plunge pool like a witch’s evil potion was the same color as their long, flowing manes.

The horses seemed to be startled by something. What were they running from? Or was it perhaps that they felt a sense of great urgency to reach a certain destination?

The girl sat and pondered at the question…

She wondered for hours trying to find an explanation. Nothing came to mind… suddenly she heard faint sounds of a wave crashing, but it couldn't be a wave the beach was miles away. What could it be? Her little mind puzzled at this question.

The sound becoming louder and louder. 

Out of nowhere someone grabbed her and threw her in a car. Everything was fine, she realized it was her mother the way she grabbed her made it feel like she was a complete stranger.

Her mother started driving. Fast, so fast in fact that the girl's body went numb. But………..

She awoke lying on the ground in complete darkness, having no knowledge of what had just happened. Water was everywhere she could feel herself lying in puddles of wet.

She tried to move but her body instantly collapsed. Desperate to know where she was, where her mother was. Her heart broke out in tears. Her last thoughts were…….

“My name is Elizabeth May Parker someone come find me……”


This is just a piece of writing inspired by Pobble365. It's about a young girl watching the wild horses run across the shallow waters of the river. But while she's watching them she hears this strange sound. What do you think that sound is?

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Infographic about plastic waste

 We have been learning about Zero waste for Topic in term 3. I found some interesting facts and statistics. Did you know that scientists have predicted that by 2050 there will be more plastic in oceans than fish? I think its sad that we are losing the marine life because they deserve to live.