
Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Research projects

For reading, we have been doing research projects. Here is mine

VENN Diagram

For part of our Reading task, we had to create a VENN Diagram. Mine is about the differences and similarities between Maui and the magic fishhook and Kupe and the discovery of New Zealand.

Red Bands

We had to projects about Kiwiana items. Mine is about Red bands here it is.

How New Zealand was created

For reading, we had to do research projects about Maori Mythology. I decided to do mine about how New Zealand was created. Here it is.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Fair chocolate

For reading, we have been learning about fair trade. Here is my work.


For writing, we have been doing information reports. I have decided to do mine about a megalodon. Here it is.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Badge of honour

For reading, we have been doing inferences. Mine is about a book called vadge of honour. Here it is.